The promotion of active and healthy aging through the Health Information and Services Center Responde is a mobile application via messaging service, through which health promotion messages are sent periodically to help the elderly at the same time. to make decisions for their future physical, mental and social well-being.

Servicio de asesoramiento sobre envejecimiento saludable. 

De cara a fomentar el envejecimiento saludable, se estima que a partir de los 55 años comienza una etapa clave para la capacitación y la toma de decisiones que es especialmente relevante para que las personas puedan desarrollar su proyecto de vida de cara a los próximos años.

Es por ello que la inscripción en el servicio está abierta a aquellas personas de 55 años o más que deseen recibir mensajes a través de la app de Salud Responde, el teléfono móvil y por correo electrónico sobre temas que ayuden a un mayor empoderamiento de la ciudadanía a la hora de la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la consecución de un envejecimiento saludable: promoción de la actividad física y de la alimentación equilibrada; fomento del bienestar emocional y de la autonomía personal; impulso de la participación y prevención del aislamiento a edades avanzadas.

  1. Preferentemente por la Health app responds, and you can access this and other contents. Include your email to confirm your registration and your data as a user, to receive specific information on healthy aging. The people registered through the APP of Salud Responde will receive notifications through this means and an email account that can be configured additionally.
  2. In the phone 955 54 50 56
  3. In the following form. Fields marked with (mandatory) are required.

Registration form
Cumplimente el siguiente campo con el NUHSA 'Ej: AN más 10 dígitos (AN0123456789)' o NUSS (solo 12 dígitos)
We ask you to define yourself based on your ability to perform basic activities of daily life: eating, washing, dressing, going to the bathroom, moving, etc)
Type of coexistence
Level of studies
How often do you do physical activity a week?
How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? (in the calculation you can include the juice of the breakfast, the vegetables and the dessert of the lunch and the dinner, if you take fruit to mid-morning ...)
In the case of alcohol consumption, how often do you consume a week?
In the case of tobacco use, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
Are you satisfied with your relationship with your family or with the friendships you have today?
How do you want to receive the information? (you can choose one or several options)(Required)
Download the Health answer app before you sign up
Confirm if you want your enrollment in the Healthy Aging Health Service Respond
To amplify information
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, the Ministry of Health informs you that the personal data obtained through the completion of this form will be contrasted by Salud Responde . Likewise, you are informed that the collection and processing of such data are intended to process the application for registration, as well as the personalization of the messages you receive based on the personal characteristics indicated. In accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Organic Law, you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to Salud Responde, by phone 955 54 50 56 or by email(

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